Kohl’s is offering scholarships for young volunteers who do great work in
the community. Members of Boy Scout Troop 534 “Hey!” are very service
oriented. Therefore, some of our Scouts might be eligibile for these
Dr. Roderick Claybrooks on Minimally Invasive Surgery
Dr. Roderick Claybrooks is an orthopedic spine surgeon.
In this 9-minute video, Dr. Claybrooks reviews the advantages of minimally invasive surgery.
Arduino Imagination
Members of Explorer Post 2534 are building projects based on the Arduino microcontroller. What is Arduino? Several Arduino-based projects are shown in this 15-minute video:
15 Year Old Guest at M.I.T.
Kelvin Doe builds batteries and radio transmitters from spare parts that he finds in the trash. He’s 15 years old and he lives in Sierra Leone.
Kelvin recently spent three weeks at the Massechusetts Institute of Technology as a guest of the MIT Media Lab. His friends call him “DJ Focus” because he believes in focus. Well done, Kelvin!
Founded in 1919
Newly recovered records show that Boy Scout Troop 534 “Hey!” was founded in October 1919, not 1938 as previously believed. The records were discovered by Scoutmaster Emeritus Robert T. Sublette, Sr. and Assistant Scoutmaster Norville Carter. One page is shown here:
Planting Seeds & Building Leaders
Eleven new Eagle Scouts were recognized on Sunday, Feb 13, 2011. The honorees are members of Troop 534, an organization that has produced 72 Eagles since 1938.
Ubuntu Lab Built by Scouts
Members of Boy Scout Troop 534 chose Ubuntu for a new computer lab. The project was led by a 16-year-old Eagle candidate, Raymond Westbrook. St. Mark United Methodist Church in Chicago, IL provided the room and six ancient Intel-based PCs.
Raymond Westbrook chose the following people for his project team:
Several old systems became available when the church upgraded its computers earlier this year. Raymond learned about the old hardware just as he was deciding what to do for his Eagle service project. He developed a plan, presented it to the leadership of the church and the troop, and they approved. Then Raymond Westbrook’s team got busy.